We zoomed across country cutting through states like butter, so far we've been to: New York, Pennsylvania,Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky and at present we are in a shitty little hotel in Clarksville, Indiana. The only redeeming feature is the pool, which is bril in this 90 degree humid heat. "Indiana wants me, Lord I can't go back there,"
Had a great journey from Baltimore (Cruise control rules OK - Mike drops off to sleep and the car does its own thing!!!!) via Morgantown - another crappy motel but the Pizza was good - pizza's so huge we had enough for dinner today too!
We called in a little Hamish town called Boonsboro - bought loads of fruit from a roadside stall and had a Pit Beef roll. We were recommended to stop at a rest area called Sidling Hill, where the main route from East to West was blasted through the rock. It was spectacular and very hot. We walked up to the vista point and the view was really good.
Strangely the countryside we've just driven through has been low hills with loads of disiduous trees but lots of signs for beware of the snow and ice conditions and skiing areas but the temp at the moment is 90 degrees!!! What diversity of temperature. I don't think the skiing would be up to much as even though it's nearly 3000 feet there are no high peaks - therefore no long runs????Tonight is 4th of July and there's no sleeping as fireworks have been competing with the Chiquadas for number one spot. It's like the Millenium celebrations here!
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