Friday, 9 July 2010

Tulsa, Oklahoma

Well we brought a load of Welsh weather to Oklahoma!!! Very unusually for this time of year we had a huge deluge of rain with flood warnings but that didn't deter us from the fantastic welcome we got from Dan, Brenda, Hannah and John.

First of all we surprised them on Wednesday! After lazing about we all piled in the cars and went over the Arkansas River to Los Cabos Mexican Restaurant in Jenks. Mike Stopped off to have his photo taken by the sign. Huge portions came our way and we could hardly move when we'd finished!

The next day we had a tour of the City which has fine Art Deco facades on the high rise buildings many of which were built around the 1910/1020's. Lots of the newer buildings have followed that style too. One quirky place we visited is the 'Centre of the Universe' unless you'd been there you wouldn't believe that by standing in the middle of the bridge on Boston Ave and speaking, the acoustics are such that you sound like you're speaking inside a bubble!! It's very weird. That was great fun.

Lunch saw us having another huge meal at the Brothers Houligan's Gravy Restaurant. We had chicken fried steak and gravy, which was white!! The bar was a typically American with Tiffany shades and loads of posters and pictures on the wall.

We went back to Dan and Brenda's house and went for a swim in the pool, until the storm hit, we swam in the rain for a while and then had to drag the kids out when the thunder and lightening came! It was still fun.

Dan put on the barbecue smoker and smoked more ribs than we could possibly eat! We were joined by Andy and sat around the table having a great laugh. We couldn't believe it was nearly mid-night when we left.

We had a great time in Tulsa and would never have seen so much nor enjoyed the local cuisine without our fantastic guides - thanks.

We have to talk about the Blue Whale which we visited on the way to Tulsa. A remnant of the hey days of Route 66. It's a 60's style water park which sadly is no longer safe enough to swim in but all the old jetties and slides are still there, together with terrapins and fish in the water and beautiful Dragon Flies with coloured tips on their wings. We had our picnic lunch there and enjoyed.

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