Friday, 9 July 2010

We reluctantly left Tulsa and now we are truly on our own! We changed the plan which was very loose anyway:) We decided to go North in Oklahoma, instead of sticking to Route 66, we can always gt back to it at a later date. We made our way to Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. The big thing to do here is to dig for Selenite Crystals on the salt plain! It is amazing,we drove down to the lake and found that we had to drive along the salt bed, which looks like a lake, very scary. We got to the bit that was open for digging and off we went - dug a big hole and pulled out the crystals. We had loads but only a few were sharp and clean. When we had exhausted the crystal digging we made a sand castle around the hole. I suppose only the Brits would do that sort of thing! The variety of birds here are amazing, loads of Ibis - 8-10 at a time. Staying in a nice little motel in Cherokee called The Cherokee Motel in guess where? Cherokee!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you're continuing the sandcastle building tradition!
    M and P x
