Friday, 2 July 2010

Getting to Baltimore

Oh Boy, am I going to bore you with this holiday to America - 8 weeks! After a couple of days no-one will bother to log on!!
Following a very early start we had a great flight on an Aer Lingus air bus.
Picked up the SUV (Kia Borrego-Black!)
had a slight mishap, we missed a turn and had to start again but eventually found the right road and had a fantastic 1st glance of New York and the Statue of Liberty from the Verrazano Bridge going to Staten Island.
The weather is boiling, about 30 degrees celcius.
Got to Joan and Richards house about 6.30pm to a fantastic welcome. We sipped a glass of wine and took pasta, salad and meatballs out on the front porch. The house is beautiful.
After food Richard got home and we walked down to the river and back around the neighbourhood. All along the way we saw fireflies lighting up around us, which lit up like a match flame for a second or two.

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